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 Deauville - La Touques

training center

"4 seasons racecourse", where you can watch more races than anywhere else in France during the year

With her boxes directly on the racetrack stables, the Anastasia Wattel racing stables are very well situated.

2200m turf track,
2100m all weather track (kind of poly)
Turf straight line of 1600m

Deauville training center, among the best in France, also offers a sand trotting track and another for small canter, a jumping arena and a sand jumping track.

Last but not least... The beach is very close and horses can go there for a water walk or a long relaxing canter to their head and body benefits! 

Ecurie A Wattel-210417-238-©ZUZANNA LUPA

With her boxes directly on the racetrack stables, the Anastasia Wattel racing stables are very well situated.

2200m turf track,
2100m all weather track (kind of poly)
Turf straight line of 1600m

Deauville training center, among the best in France, also offers a sand trotting track and another for small canter, a jumping arena and a sand jumping track.

Last but not least... The beach is very close and horses can go there for a water walk or a long relaxing canter to their head and body benefits! 

Ecurie A Wattel-210417-88-©ZUZANNA LUPA.


Adresse : Hippodrome de Deauville- La Touques
14800 Deauville France

Tél : 0+33 (0) 85 77 54 77

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